Beauty by Benoah

About our services

Benoah offers the full package of class, beauty and relaxing. We offer an experience you won’t forget anytime soon. Everybody is welcome in our salon as you can find multiple types of treatments.

Hair salon


Benoah loves coloring. It is a form of feeling and emotion that increases your identity and self-confidence. With the latest trends in mind, we listen to your wishes and take you along in the total color experience. This way your hair gets the attention and the result it deserves.


Our signature haircut treatment is for those who want to look classy and full of confidence. We start with an assessment of your haircut. Just as it should be when you visit a specialist. Together, we will discuss what’s the best solution for you. During your treatment we use state-of-the-art tools and products to optimize your style.



Our pedicure treatment is provided by a specialized pedicure. Lean back and relax while you enjoy. The treatment will be fully tuned to your feet and all parts will be served. From the cuticles to calluses, your feet will be in a perfect shape after they are treated by our specialists. Benoah offers cosmetic and medical pedicures.


Our manicure treatment is a total package to really spoil your hands. This includes a hand massage, but also special BIAB (Builder In A Bottle) treatment. This is a combination of a classic nail polish and a gel polish which works perfect if you have weak nails.

It’s an experience, not just a treatment

As you can see, there are lots of possibilities. You can even make a combination appointment for your whole family. Benoah stands for family. You can immediately feel it when you enter the shop. Our team and our customers are one big family. Where the world is becoming more and more focused on the individual, we want to focus on togetherness, because we believe this will bring us the best results.

Our treatments are really something special. It’s a moment to relax and enjoy. Before your treatment you can enjoy a fresh coffee of our own Benoah brand together with a bite before your treatment. After this, you will be guided to your appointment.

At Benoah we find it extremely important that you leave our shop with an experience you won’t forget. We treat you with class and respect and we can assure you that you’ll get an immense confidence boost after your treatment. We have the best specialists in Europe who give you a unique experience.

Onze locaties

Noordeinde 51


Noordeinde 51
2514 GC, Den Haag


Route description

Opening hours

Dinsdag: 10:00 – 18:00
Woensdag: 10:00 – 18:00
Donderdag: 10:00 – 20:30
Vrijdag: 10:00 – 18:00
Zaterdag: 10:00 – 18:00

Our Hair & Beauty Specialists



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